EMT Exams in Georgia
EMT stands for the Emergency Medical Technician. EMTs are the professionals, who are skilled in assisting the people during an emergency condition- be it trauma injury, accident, injury while playing sports, or any other type of medical condition, where a person requires an emergency aid while he/she is being admitted to the hospital. In order to become a qualified EMT, the aspirant is required to undergo a program session and clear all the exams to obtain a national certificate for practicing their skills. EMT exams in Georgia are conducted by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT).
Components of the EMT Exams
Cognitive Exam
The cognitive exams conducted by the NREMT are basically the computer adaptive test (CAT), in which, a candidate is allotted 2 hours to complete a set of questions that range from 70-120. In the cognitive exams, the proficiency and skills of an aspirant are tested in the areas, such as airways, respiration, ventilation, cardiology, obstetrics, gynecology, and EMS operations. Besides, there are also a few special considerations, like abuse and assault, neonatology, geriatrics, challenged patients, etc.
Psychomotor Exam
For clearing the psychomotor examination, an aspirant is required to demonstrate his/her deftness and knowledge in the various fields of emergency care. The areas where the candidate is required to demonstrate his/her skills are- assessment/management of a medical patient and trauma patient, bleeding control, spinal bone immobilization, traction splinting, administration of oxygen to the breathing patient as well as to an unconscious patient, and bag-valve-management of an apneic patient.
Registration and Scheduling for the EMT Exams
When an aspirant completes the whole course of his/her EMT program and wishes to obtain a national certificate and license, he/she needs to take and clear all the exams. As the NREMT finds the candidate eligible for the same, he/she will be notified via a postcard eligibility letter. However, there are a few clauses associated with the eligibility to take up the exams, like an aspirant is supposed to clear the examinations within 6 months of the eligibility period, and he/she will have 6 attempts at the max to clear all the tests.
The candidate can register and schedule the EMT exams through various means, like the standard mail, the fax, the telephone, and the internet.
Registration and Scheduling via Internet
It is the fastest method to get registered for the EMT exams in Georgia. In order to register via this method, you need to have a valid Master/Visa card and also need to fill in its number and expiration date. After you submit the registration form online, you will be asked to choose from the available dates and locations.
Registration and Scheduling via Standard Mail
This method of registration is meant for those, who do not want to reveal their credit card and other confidential information. In order to register via this method, the candidate is required to pay through banker’s check or money order. The candidate is supposed to fill in the registration form found in the bulletin and pay through any of the mentioned methods. While making payment, the applicant should make sure that his/her name is printed on the money order to ensure that his/her fee is assigned properly.
Registration and Scheduling via Telephone
Next to the internet, the telephone is the fastest method to get registered for the EMT exams. To pay through this method as well, you need to fill in your credit card details, such as the credit card number and its expiration date. Candidates, who aspire to take the Emergency Medical Technician examination in Georgia, can also call during the non-business hours and register via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
Registration and Scheduling via Fax
For registering via fax, you need to have a valid Master/Credit card, and required to submit the credit card number and its expiration date while filling in the form. Before sending the registration form through the fax, make sure that all the information entered in the form is correct and authentic, otherwise; your form will be sent back to you for correcting errors, and it will take more time to complete the registration process.
Cancellation and Rescheduling of the Exams
If an aspirant has scheduled his/her exam on a certain date, but doesn’t wish to take up the test on that date, there is a provision to get the date extended subjected to certain terms and conditions. If the candidate wishes to cancel his/her exam, then he/she is supposed to notify 2 days prior to the scheduled date of examination. For example, if the scheduled date of examination is Wednesday, then the candidate should inform by Monday regarding the cancellation.
The student can also reschedule the test, but not on the very same day due to scoring and reporting procedures. However, the candidate can reschedule it the next day or the day after.
Missed Appointment or Late Cancellation
As it is mentioned above that if a candidate doesn’t wish to take up exam, he/she must notify the authorities, minimum 2 days prior to the scheduled date of the examination. If he/she does not, it comes under the category of ‘late cancellation’. In such a case, the candidate’s fee is not refunded and moreover, his/her registration may also be considered as invalid.
In the following cases, the aspirant’s registration may be considered as invalid and his/her fee will also be forfeited:
- If a candidate doesn’t cancel the scheduled exam two days prior the scheduled date.
- If an aspirant arrives late after the exam has already been commenced.
- If the student doesn’t turn up for the exam and not even notify for his/her absence.
- If an applicant arrives for the exam on time, but fails to present a valid identification proof.
Reporting to the Examination Site
It is advised to all the EMT aspirants to reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled examination time in order to complete the sign-in process and also get familiarized with the testing procedures.
As the candidate reports to the examination site, he/she is supposed to present at least 2 forms of identity certificates, out of which, one has to be government issued identity card with his/her photograph and signature on it. It can be a driving license, passport, state ID card, etc. Apart from this, Paramedic and Intermediate students are also required to present their current EMT certification in order to take the test. However, a reinstatement issued by the OEMS (Office of Emergency Medical Services) can also be shown in case, the current certificate has lost or misplaced.
Before the exam commences, all the candidates are required to sign a bond stating that they won’t share any confidential information pertaining to exams with any other candidate.
There is also a restriction on bringing a few items at the exam center, like laptop, watches, dictionaries, thesaurus, alarms, recorders, reference materials and notes, colored and ball point pens.
Note- Any kind of employment and student ID cards won’t be considered as genuine and valid.
Exam Results
All the candidates appearing for the EMT exams in Georgia are required to obtain a minimum of 80 percent marks in order to get through the examinations. Grades and scores of all the aspirants are analyzed statistically to make sure that the results are authentic and accurate. Results of all the students- whether they have passed or failed, will be published on a website, which is entirely password generated. It means that only the candidate will be able to view the result by entering his DOB and social security number.
Results can be viewed only over the internet, and aspirants are required not to call the certification office in this regard, as in no case, the results will be given in person, narrated over the telephone, or sent via the mail. If an applicant wishes to have the hard copy of his/her result, he/she may take out the print, directly.
All the aspirants, who do not score well in their current EMT examinations, may take up another session of the exams after 15 days of the last appeared test. All the aspirants are given 6 attempts to clear the exams. If a candidate fails to clear the exam after 3 attempts, he/she is supposed to provide an official document stating the completion of 24 hours of remedial program. After this, he/she is permitted to take another 3 attempts. However, if an aspirant fails to clear the exam even after 6 attempts, he/she is required to complete the program program all over again.
You can view your result by going through the following steps and procedures:
- Log in to the certification website and choose “grade report” from the given options.
- Next, choose “profession” from the options that follow on the screen.
- Now, a screen will follow that will ask you to enter your DOB and social security number.
- As you enter the details, the status of your result will get displayed on the screen, stating whether you have passed or failed the exam.
Tips for Preparing for the EMT Exams
- First of all, it is advised to all the aspirants to stay calm and put their best efforts for the exam preparations.
- There are numerous virtual test papers going online. You should take up from amongst them in order to know the subjects you are good in, and the subjects in which you are required to work upon.
- There are a few topics, which are most likely to be asked by the NREMT, like the airways and the respiration. Pay more attention to these topics.
- Read each and every question in detail and answer only what is being asked to you. Do not answer to the questions irrelevantly.
- Look for the present signs of criticality in the questions and then solve them.
- As you start writing your exam, do not take breaks often, as it is going to deduct time from the official time allotted to you.