EMT Exams in Nebraska
To receive EMT certification in Nebraska, students must pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) examination. The NREMT examination evaluates the student’s competence level in various skills, like airway, patient assessment, trauma, EMS operation, and other medical emergencies. Every state conducts its own examination, which is based on the similar syllabus as NREMT.
Components of Examination in Nebraska
Cognitive Examination
EMT’s cognitive examination is a computer adaptive test. In this examination, a candidate can expect 70 to 120 multiple-choice questions. The questions are generally asked from the syllabus, which you have covered during the program. 2 hours is the maximum time limit to complete the examination.
The candidates can expect the questions from the following topics:
- Medical & obstetrics/gynaecology
- Resuscitation and cardiology
- Respiration and ventilation
- EMS Operations
- Trauma
- Airway
85% questions are based on the geriatric patient care, and remaining 15% on pediatric patient care. The applicants are ought to demonstrate safe entry-level emergency medical care.
Psychomotor Examination
The applicants must demonstrate dexterity in emergency care skills during the EMT education program. The candidate’s instructor must confirm that during the course, the candidate has demonstrated skills in the following:
- Mouth-to-mouth ventilation with supplemental oxygen
- Long bone fracture immobilization
- Patient management/assessment of a trauma patient
- Spinal immobilization (both supine and seated patient)
- Upper airway adjuncts and suction
- Supplemental oxygen administration to a breathing patient
- Joint dislocation immobilization
- AED/Cardiac arrest management
- Traction splinting
- Patient management/assessment of a medical patient
- Bleeding control/shock management
- Bag-valve-mask ventilation of an apneic patient
How to Register and Schedule for EMT Examination?
The candidates can register for the EMT examination through the internet, telephone or fax. They can even use standard mail to register themselves.
Register via Internet
The candidates can easily register for the EMT examination via internet.
- The candidates are ought to have a legal VISA or MasterCard.
- The applicants must log into PSI’s official website www.psiexams.com. The online registration service is available 24 hours a day.
- The applicants have to complete the registration procedure and submit it online to the PSI.
- The candidates need to provide their VISA or MasterCard’s number and expiry date.
- After submission of the form online, candidates will receive the information regarding the examination and the available exam dates and locations.
- The candidates can select the desired test date, and can schedule the examination.
Register via Telephone
The applicants can also complete the registration process via telephone.
- To complete the registration procedure via telephone, candidates must have the legitimate VISA or MasterCard.
- The candidates can call on PSI’s IVR (Interactive Voice Response System) during business hours.
- During non-business hours, applicants can register via registrars.
- The candidates need to complete the registration procedure by entering their VISA or MasterCard’s number and expiry date.
- The applicants will receive all the information related to the examination along with available dates and locations.
- The applicants can choose the location and examination date to schedule the exam.
- The telephone registration service is available 24 hours a day.
Register via Fax
Registration via fax is the easiest way to register for EMT examination.
- The candidates must possess a legal MasterCard or VISA.
- The applicants must correctly fill the information and complete the registration procedure.
- The candidates need to enter the MasterCard or VISA number along with the expiry date.
- The applicants can fax the form to the PSI’s fax registration number.
- After submitting the registration form, candidates can schedule the examination date.
Cancellation and Rescheduling of an Examination Appointment
If the applicant wishes to cancel the scheduled examination without forfeiting the examination fee, he/she can do it by informing the PSI about cancellation 2 days before the scheduled examination. Applicant can also use the automated system to cancel the examination.
Note: Voice mail message will not be accepted.
Missed Appointment or Late Cancellation
The applicant’s examination will get cancelled, the registration will be deemed as invalid, and the examination fee will get forfeited, if
- The applicant arrives after the commencement of the examination.
- The applicant remains absent in the examination.
- The candidate fails to provide the proper identification.
- The candidate doesn’t cancel the exam 2 days before the scheduled test.
Reporting to the Exam Center
On the day of examination, the applicants must bring 2 identification forms with them. One must be a valid identification issued by the government, which includes the candidate’s military ID or driver’s license, state ID, or passport. The valid identification requires the signature and photograph of the applicant. The other identification must bear the pre-printed legal name and signature of the applicant.
Besides identification forms, the applicants are also supposed to carry the following documents:
- EMT paramedic and intermediate students have to bring their current EMT certification card to the center.
- Applicants, who don’t have the current certification card, can bring a reinstatement letter provided by OEMS.
Exam Results and Retest Information
The results are posted on the PSI’s website, which is password-secure. You can view your result after the day of examination, but for that you must log in to view the results. The NREMT sends National EMS Certification credentials to the successful students.
Those candidates, who fail to pass the examination, will get the performance sheet from the NREMT. The performance sheet informs them whether they performed “average”, “near”, or “below” in the exam. This will help the candidates to understand and improve the weak areas.
In order to retest, the candidates can apply after the 15 days of the last examination. In order to pass the examination, applicants will get maximum six attempts. The applicants will have to submit the official documentation to verify the completion of 24 hours of remedial program after the first three attempts. In the last three attempts, candidates have to provide the other necessary requirements for national certification. Students have to repeat the whole EMT syllabus if he/she fails in all six attempts.
Tips for Preparing for Exams
- Take practice tests to know your weak areas.
- Prepare strategies on how to attempt the questions.
- Study the right material.
- Always read the questions carefully before marking the answers.
- To gain more knowledge, go through EMT and paramedic reviews.
- Stay calm and eat protein-rich food to keep yourself active during the exam.