EMT Salary in Oregon

Great responsibilities and a will to serve people at any point in time are what determine the profession of an Emergency Medical Technician. Nowadays, EMT has become a good career option due to the high salary; it offers. But, before making it your profession in Oregon, you must go through the salary statistics of the state. This article provides you information about how much an Emergency Medical Technician earns in the state. EMT salary in each city of the state will differ according to its population, geographic location, type of the industry, as well as the number of working hours, education, etc.

How Much Money does EMT make Every Year?

Like other states, the salaries of EMTs in Oregon are computed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Below provided is the mean annual and hourly salary of an Emergency Medical Technician in this state. The data has been collected by the BLS through a survey, done in May 2017.

  • Average Annual Income: $39,560
  • Average Hourly Income: $19.02

‘Indeed.com’ May 2018 report has estimated the annual income of these professionals to be around $35,000.

BLS OES has also calculated EMT salary according to different percentile brackets. Here, it is represented in tabular form.

Percentile Bracket

Average Annual Salary

Average Hourly Salary

90th Percentile Wage



75th Percentile Wage



50th Percentile Wage

$ 38,370


25th Percentile Wage

$ 27,130

$ 13.04

10th Percentile Wage



Salary as per Geographical Location

The salaries of emergency medical technicians in the state of Oregon differ from city-to-city.  Here is the table derived from the Survey of April 2018 showing the median annual, monthly and hourly salary of an EMT:

City Name

Median Annual Salary

Median Monthly Salary

Median Hourly Salary

































Lake Oswego








Oregon City
















The median annual income fluctuates from $32,622 to $36,924. On the other hand, monthly median remuneration lies somewhere between $2,718 and $3,077. The hourly median EMT salary ranges between $16and $18. The top paying cities of the state are Beaverton, Clackamas, Gresham, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Oregon City and Portland, while the lowest paying city is Medford.

Salary of the Similar Job Titles

EMTs can also get employed in other jobs as well, which are similar to the profession of an emergency medical technician. The salaries given to some of the similar job titles are:

  • EMT Paramedic: $40,000
  • Circulating RN Surgical: $81,000
  • EMT Security Officer: $27,000
  • Firefighter EMT: $42,000
  • Commercial Electrician Mechanic: $31,000
  • Cardiovascular Specialist: $64,000
  • Commercial Electrician Helper: $24,000
  • ED Technician Emergency Department: $53,000
  • Commercial Electrician Journeyman: $36,000
  • Corrections Sergeant Master: $41,000


There are certain advantages, which EMTs receive besides getting a salary for their services, like:

  • 21 days of sick leave in the whole year.
  • 21 days of casual leaves in the year.
  • EMTs, along with their families, are benefitted with the facility of health, vision and dental insurance.
  • Those, who are presently engaged in offering emergency medical services, are also entitled to Life Insurance.
  • They also get the benefits of the Deferred Compensation Program, like Employee Stock Option.
  • Their program and continuing education charges are paid by the employers.
  • They get an annual bonus and lucrative promotional opportunities.

Employment Outlook

As per the BLS, the job prospects for medical technicians are expected to increase by 33% in the future. EMTs can get employed in private or public hospitals, ambulance services, rescue squads, etc.

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