EMT Salary in Wyoming

Before forwarding a step in any profession, it’s necessary to understand each and every aspect of that career, including the work environment, salary, and future prospects. Though the EMT salary in Wyoming is initially low, it increases gradually as you gain some experience. As an Emergency Medical Technician, you can work as a full-time or part-time employee. You can also add to your income by extending your working hours. Let’s discuss the earnings and future job prospects for EMTs in detail.

How much does an EMT make every year?

Like all other states, EMT salary in Wyoming is also calculated by various departments and bureaus. As per the information collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in a survey done in May 2017, the average annual and hourly salary of an Emergency Medical Technician in the state is as follows:

  • Average Annual Salary:$34,830
  • Average Hourly Salary:$16.74

As per the data gathered from ‘indeed.com’ may 2018 report, the average salary of an EMT is $36,515.

The earnings of the Emergency Medical Technicians were also computed on the basis of different percentile brackets by the BLS. It is represented in the below-given table.

Percentile Bracket

Average Hourly Salary

Average Annual Salary

10th Percentile Wage



25th Percentile Wage



50th Percentile Wage



75th Percentile Wage



90th Percentile Wage



Salary as Per Geographical Location

The population distribution and the cost of living in the place, where you are providing your services, play a significant role in determining your earnings. In Wyoming, the pay of Emergency Medical Technicians in all the 5 cities is, unfortunately, less than the national average. In the following table, you can see the median annual, monthly and hourly salary of these professionals.

City Name

Median Annual Salary

Median Monthly Salary

Median Hourly Salary

















Rock Springs




A huge fluctuation can be seen in the median annual income, which ranges from $21,422 to $27,704. Similarly, the median monthly salary varies from $1,785 to $2,309. The median per hour wages lies between $10 and $13. Casper, Cheyenne, and Laramie are the top paying cities, whereas the lowest paying city is Rock Springs.

Salary of the Similar Job Titles

Emergency Medical Technicians can assume other higher designations after completing higher education and acquiring an advanced level of certification. This way, they can also get a hike in their salary. The salaries of the professionals with related job titles are given below:

  • Cardiovascular Specialist: $58,000
  • Circulating RN Surgical: $73,000
  • EMT Security Officer: $24,000
  • EMT Paramedic: $36,000
  • Commercial Electrician Mechanic: $28,000
  • Corrections Sergeant Master: $37,000
  • Firefighter EMT: $38,000
  • Commercial Electrician Helper: $22,000
  • ED Technician Emergency Department: $48,000
  • Commercial Electrician Journeyman: $32,000


EMTs also get several other benefits besides getting paid for their services, like:

  • 21 days of vacation leaves in a year.
  • 21 days of sick leaves in a year.
  • Dental and vision insurance, and other healthcare benefits.
  • Benefits of Life Insurance are also provided to the actively working EMTs.
  • Sometimes, the employer bears the entire expenses of the program, as well as the continuing education of their employees.
  • They also get other advantages of Deferred Compensation Program, such as Employee Stock Option.
  • Besides this, annual bonus, promotional opportunities, and pension are also provided to them.

Employment Outlook

The employment opportunities for the EMTs seem to be excellent. The BLS has anticipated that emergencies, such as violence, disasters, accidents, and growth in the population of elderly and middle-aged people will generate a high demand for these professionals. Job openings are likely to increase by 23% between 2102 and 2022. Rescue teams, Ambulance services, fire departments, private and public hospitals and clinics are some of the major employers of Emergency Medical Technicians.

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